Arvamusfestival will take place on Paide vallimägi and have seven discussion areas

Arvamusfestival has finalized its new format in accordance with the current regulations for public events. Instead of the planned 25 discussion areas, seven will be realized, and the festival will take place on the planned dates of 14. and 15. August, this time on Paide vallimägi. The seven discussion areas were picked out in accordance

The opinion festival called Arvamusfestival about fundamental rights and freedoms awaits for ideas to debate

The eight Arvamusfestival is going to take place in the summer and they are gathering ideas from today until the end of February. On the 100th birthday year of the Estonian constitution, the festival focuses on fundamental rights and freedoms but other topics are also welcome.  The program welcomes discussions that focus on freedoms, rights

Podcast: looking back at the Opinion Festival 2019

This was a memorable Opinion Festival / Arvamusfestival 2019, filled with discussions on every topic under the sun.

ERR News discussion: immigration in Estonia

By Helen Wright Is immigration to Estonia a benefit, a threat, or neither? The panel for the talk ‘Immigration in Estonia: Benefit, natural necessity or threat?’, which was lead by ERR News’s Andrew Whyte, discussed how and who should control migration, attitudes towards immigrants, and integration of Estonia’s migrant communities. Foreign Minister and Isamaa Riigikogu

Are cities working for us?

When talking about smart cities, there’s a need to focus in on specific problem and solutions, given that

The Youth of Europe – is what we want, what we get?

By Helen Wright The panel The Youth of Europe – is what we want, what we get? discussed the expectations and political realities of young Europeans. The topics discussed are some of the biggest faced by young people today. Political Participation of Young Europeans Kristen Aigro, Networks Coordinator at the Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation,

The future of NATO

By Helen Wright Panellists: Deputy Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of Estonian Parliament Marko Mihkelson, commanding Officer in

What are the roots of inequality, and how can we deal with it?

‘Diversity – A Tool for Sustainable Success’ was a talk at the Opinion Festival/Arvamusfestival, organised by the Nordic

The international community can have a say, too!

This is a guest post from Open Estonia Foundation. Mari wants to make sure that as many of

Why the Opinion Festival matters more than ever

As another Opinion Festival rolls around, it might be tempting to say that it’s served its purpose, and

Opinion Festival in English

This year’s Opinion Festival will be taking place on the 9-10th of August in its traditional place right in the heart of Estonia – the lovely town of Paide. The main theme of the Opinion Festival 2019 is FUTURE. If you are an opinionated, forward-looking, debate-seeking foreigner that does not yet speak the Estonian language,

Discussions of the Opinion Festival focus on the future

The seventh annual Opinion Festival taking place in Paide in August focuses on the future, asking questions about how to be prepared for changes as an individual and a society as a whole. The festival focuses on a science-based approach to topics that are important for society, sustainable development and an aware approach to life.

Arvamusfestival is part of the International Democracy Festivals Association

Cooperation among democracy festivals in the Nordic and Baltic region has increased over the years. However, thus far they had no official platform for cooperation. This changed in March, when eight democracy festivals from the Nordic and Baltic regions and one European-wide festivals joined their forces to establish the International Democracy Festivals Association (IDFA). During

The future-themed Opinion Festival is waiting for discussion ideas

The guiding principle of the seventh Opinion Festival is future. Especially welcomed to the programme are discussions that, in one way or another, prepare us for the future and ask questions that don’t really have answers yet. The discussion will be chosen for the programme by a public gathering of ideas which lasts until January

The sixth Opinion Festival brought together 10,000 participants

Over the course of two days, 10,000 people gathered in Paide for the sixth Opinion Festival, taking part in 160 discussions spread across four areas. This year, communication culture and participatory democracy were the key themes running through the whole festival. Participants found that one of the prerequisites for a meaningful discussion is listening to